No Lie Pigs And Their Houses Can Fly Book Review by Jessica Gunderson

Written by: Jessica Gunderson
Illustrated by: Cristian Benardini
Published by: Picture Window Books in 2016
ISBN: 978-1479586257

Plot Summary: This book is told from the point of view of the wolf and how he has an issue with blowing too hard wherever he goes. He is ostracized from his pack as they make of him so he goes off in search of friends. He gets to the first pigs house and blows it over and the pig ends up in the soup he was making and the wolf eats him as ham. The wolf goes to the second pigs house and after blowing it over the pig ends up in the frying pan and becomes bacon. The wolf goes to the 3rd house and can't blow it over but he wants to talk to the pig so he goes down the chimney and ends up talking to the 3rd pig who shows him that he can use his power of blowing too hard for good. The wolf ends up helping out others and the 3rd pig and the wolf become friends. 

Analysis: The story is one of the classics but with the point of view being changed it gives us insight into how the wolf feels and why he was blowing down houses. The wolf is an outcast which people can identify with as everyone feels lonely at some time. The illustrations are cut into panels on the pages with very distinct color schemes that delineate the difference between the settings of each of the paragraphs as well as invoking different feelings based on the warm tones when things are going wrong and the cool tones and colors when things are going well. The illustrations are very animated looking which is sure to catch the reader's eye as they can make comparisons to things they have seen in media. 

Reviews: Booksource
He was a huffing, puffing wolf who caused the three little pigs some big-time headaches. End of story? Not quite. Get the full scoop from the wolf's point of view in this lighthearted twist on the classic fairy tale.

Connections: Have students create a house with cards, sticks, and legos and have them take turns trying to blow them down. Talk about wind resistance and why some things stay up better than others. 
Other Books to Read
The Big Bad Wolf and the Robot Pig by Laura North
The Three Ninja Pigs by Corey Schwartz


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