Alias Anna Book Review by Susan Hood and Greg Dawson
Written by Susan Hood and Greg Dawson Published by HarperCollins in 2022 ISBN 978-0063083905 Plot Summary: The story is set in the Ukraine during World War 2. Zhanna (who goes by Anna to blend in) is a musical prodigy who falls in love with music and it is her escape from the world around her. Her musical gifts don't start out as planned as she despises going to her teachers house and throws all her sheet music into the stove. Zhanna must leave the conservatory when the Germans invade with her sister Frina. She is captured by the Germans but manages to escape with her sister who refuses to return back to their home which ultimately saves her life. She and her sister put on several concerts all around Europe during the war and ultimately tell their story to hear about the perseverance that comes when everything seems to be lost. Analysis: This story has heart wrenching details about life on the march towards the concentration camps and tales of the heroic efforts that Zhanna...