Wild Tongues Can't Be Tamed: 15 Voices from the Latinx Diaspora by Saraciea Fennell
Written by Saraciea Fennell Published by Flatiron Books in 2021 ISBN: 978-1338255812 Plot Summary: This anthology is written through 15 different stories and the purpose is to show that each Latinx person has a different story and a different path. These stories do not have the same experiences and many of them outright talk about the marginalization of the Latinx community. Eres un Pocho was a personal favorite as it talks about the story of Mark Oshiro as a queer transracial adopted kid. It goes through many very sad aspects of his growing up and why he felt like he was a threat to those around him even though he was just trying to live his life. The other standout in this anthology to me was Caution Song by Natasha Diaz as she tells her story through a poem about what it means to be who you are and to be grilled by a stranger about your heritage. Critical Analysis: This anthology goes through many ups and downs and it does an excellent job of sh...